Thursday, December 30, 2010


For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be 27 years old. In foresight, it seemed like an age where I'd have life figured out, a nice little career, be married (and possibly a kid or two), and love my life. I never liked being in my early twenties. I felt there was always a stigma of overall immaturity attached to being young and in college. People always were telling me to "go out and have fun," and I did- but still, I wanted to be a stable 27 year old with everything in place.
11 days to go!

Today, I am 27. And while I can't say that life is completely figured out and have everything into place, I feel like I have everything I need, nothing more and nothing less. I feel like I'm in a great place in my life, with much to be thankful for. This isn't the picture I envisioned for myself at 27; in fact, it's so much better than I ever thought possible! Sometimes I feel so unworthy of God's blessings in my life.

Today was such a perfect day. The weather here in Wichita reached 70 degrees- can you believe that? Pretty rare for one of the last days of the year.
We have really missed all this crazy weather that the rest of the states seem to be having the past few weeks. I spent the gorgeous day with my two favorite boys who took me to lunch at my favorite spot, and then to the Zoo (which seemed to be the hot spot for everyone in the city- it was packed!). I am also the proud new owner of one of these: KitchenAid ArtisanĀ® Series w/Pouring Shield - Empire Red
A KA Artisan stand mixer! I was shocked! I had mentioned to Jon a few times that I was considering purchasing a KA mixer on Black Friday if there was a good deal out there. I didn't find one, but was so surprised to unwrap one this morning!

Hope everyone has a great New Years!


Tori Bella said...

Agh. Your post is making me semi envious because I will be twenty seven in a few weeks and your life is SOOOOOOO much more mature and together than mine. Congrats on making it to adulthood!

Kristen said...

happy birthday! Sounds like a wonderful day, we were also enjoying the beautiful weather today. I know exactly what you mean about the stigma attached to 20-somethings, I've always been excited for 30 - call me crazy!

Anonymous said...

I'm 27 - I think it's a pretty great age. :)

You look amazing and I love that the bump pic is a snapshot of your life, with your little man playing with the faucet!

Samantha said...

Happy birthday! It sounds like you had an awesome one.. Can't wait to see that baby!

Nicole said...

Happy birthday! Glad you had a great day and looking forward to your next birthday celebration! :)

Joi said...

L! You look great! I just love reading your posts because I feel like we could be great friends in real life. I am so happy for you and all of your accomplishments!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Leslie!!! You look fabulous!

Tamara said...

Happy Birthday! You are awesome!
I loooove the BUMP!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Leslie, you look so fantastic! Congrats on being 27 and almost done with this pregnancy-yay for awesome things happening! I had my first baby when I was 27. You are ahead of the game :) And I would love to trade birthdays with you! NYE sucks-everything is crowded, more expensive and weird, lol. I've taken to celebrating mine on yours anyways :)
Happy Birthday and I hope 2011 and your 27th is your best year ever!

Jen J. said...

You look awesome! Happy new year & birthday!

Lyndsay said...

You look great!! 1/10/11 will be Lincoln's 6 month mark. :) Good luck!! Oh, and Happy Birthday!!

Callie said...

I love how you can see Cameron playing in the sink in your first picture. Such a cutie! Happy Birthday, and you look awesome! :)


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