True statement.
Here lately Cameron has been protesting bath time. I'm not exactly sure why, but he used to love splashing around, soaking me, the walls, and everything else within a 10 foot radius. Now, bath time= an absolute scream-fest, something that's really hard when you are dealing with such a slippery little fish.
Anywho, we were at his 4 month appointment today, and while I look forward to seeing how much he's grown, I dread seeing him get his shots. No one likes shots. Babies don't like shots. And no one likes to watch babies get shots, especially their mothers. So the nurses come in to give them, and you know what? Not a peep. Not even a tear. We did get the "pouty lip" for a few seconds, but that was it. It's not like I wanted him to cry, but I expected it, ya know? I was ready for him to cry, ready to console him. I
wasn't ready for the silence and flirty smiles he flashed at the nurses. It's puzzling, really. I just don't understand.

And for the growth stats: 16 lbs. 4 oz, and 26 1/2 inches tall!