Last weekend our basement bar cabinets were delivered and Jon and his friend spent the day installing them. Originally, we had planned to install the exact same cabinets as the ones in our kitchen, but they were going to set us back about $5,400. We weren't quite ready to settle for that price tag, so we looked around and found custom cabinets at a smaller family-owned "box" store in town for $2,000.
Not only are these cabinets gorgeous, but they are such amazing quality and I'm pretty sure I like them better than the ones in our kitchen! I'm so glad we shopped around for other options.
Kylie has been taking LOOONG afternoon naps lately. While it's a nice little break I struggle with trying to keep Cameron quiet for that length of time. I try to do several crafts with him each week, and one of our favorites lately are these homemade birdfeeders. Pinecones+peanut butter+ birdseed (3 bucks for a giant bag at Walmart), that's it! Cam and Kylie both love to look out the windows each day and see the birds stopping by for a snack.
I am really, really close to finishing a building project I've had plans to build since, well... forever. Before we knew Kylie was a girl, I knew I wanted to build a dollhouse bookshelf. I've finally gotten around to building it, and it has been the most challenging project I've build thus far. I almost quit but my husband wouldn't let me. More on that as soon as I finish- but for now a sneak peek... =)