When I posted the finished pictures of her room, I mentioned that I wanted to get her a white iron daybed when the day would come, so I've casually been keeping my eye open for the perfect one for her. Well, I found it, and she loves it! She has transitioned really well (only getting out of bed the very first night a few times) and thinks it's great that she's got a big bed.

I found her sheets at PB Teen and the comforter at Target. I think they are such a perfect match to her existing colors and decor! I love this room so much- it's easily my favorite in the house.
Now, onto the basement! We finished it up right after Thanksgiving, and I honestly can't remember what it was like not to have this space finished. We hang out so much down here.
When you come down the stairs, to the left is the bar area. It's really nice to have this space for secondary kitchen storage- things like off season dinnerware, wine glasses and serving platters all have a home here.
This undermount sink is a dream. If and when we replace countertops in our kitchen my sink WILL be an undermount! (hear that, Jen?)
{Floors: Crossville Buenos Aires Tango (polished); Counters: Travertine (durango, honed); Lights: Lowe's Allen + Roth; Cabinets: Local (not sure of brand), Cabinet pulls: Lowe's.}
The living room is the view from the bar. If the TV looks crooked, your eyes do not deceive you. I've mentioned it to the husband a few hundred times, but alas, it's still crooked.
The space to the left of the bar will probably house a pinball machine or foosball table someday soon. (maybe even a dartboard?)
The kids love having the train table here. To the right you can see part of my craft closet, and the kids play area is underneath the stairs there.
I haven't done much with my craft room (in terms of organizing) but I'm glad to have all my stuff out of the linen closets upstairs! I can walk into the closet a bit (to the right) so I've got my wrapping paper, gift bags and fabric remnants on shelving there.
The kids love having their own, designated (small) play place! It's also nice to have an area to throw toys into for a quick basement clean-up.
In this hallway are the two bedrooms and bathroom.
I have plans for this room but for now, it's just functional enough for sitters who stay the night.
The office.
This year my goal is to inject some personality and color into the basement! I have a giant abstract canvas print on backorder from Zgallerie for over the couch, but aside from that I'll probably start finding pictures I've taken over the years to hang down here (since they're essentially free!). I hope you enjoyed the tour- if you have any questions, feel free to ask! =)