Friday, September 6, 2013

Cameron goes to school!

Not long after I started this blog, I found out I was pregnant with Cameron. It quickly became a place to document my pregnancy, life and adventures as a new mom. Also? I blogged a lot. Like several times a week. I took my camera everywhere and blogged about everything.  Five years and 2 kids later looks a bit different here- I've gone from a weekly blogger to a monthly blogger, and as of late, a seasonal blogger. I'm not ready to give up my little piece of the web yet- the archives of this blog are such a treasure to me and I want to keep adding to it whether it's 4 times a year or 4 times a month.

This last week, we had a pretty big milestone in our house- Cameron started school! He's had a great first week and I love hearing exactly what he did each day.

Yesterday, he came home and asked if we had baking soda in the house. I was puzzled by that question, but then he asked if we had "some water that wasn't water, but smelled like pickles".

"Vinegar?" I asked.
"YES!! Binegar!!" he said. "Do we have some?"
"We do."
"Ok, I need a tray, 2 cups, baking soda and binegar."  (he pronounces his "v's" like "b's")

He then showed us all at the dinner table the experiment they did in class that day, after reading a book about a mouse and a volcanic explosion.  He was so proud. And honestly? That moment was the best part of my day. I don't want to forget about stuff like that.

The last time I blogged I mentioned the bed I finished building him last year. I have always loved this Pottery Barn Kids bed and when it came to choosing a design, I knew this is the bed I wanted to build. Typically I get my plans from Ana White, but she didn't have these plans. I felt that since I had quite a bit of experience that I could draw up my own plans, and that's exactly what I did. I spent a bit of time drawing and measuring, studying the PBK version. I took measurements for a standard twin bed, and went from there. This bed is a result of some intensive thinking and math (which I am NOT good at) and I could not be happier with the end result- an identical bed to the one I loved from PBK.

I still need to build a pull out trundle (basically, a box on wheels) and I'll probably get to that this fall.

A lot of times when I build something, I save a bit of money (as opposed to buying a retail item) but that wasn't the case for this bed. It's solid oak which is one of the more pricier woods out there. I don't regret that decision because the grain on this bed is so gorgeous! And since it's oak, it will stand up to a few generations (hopefully!) of use.

I stained the bed myself but had it professionally finished (lacquered). When I picked up the bed from being finished, it took my breath away. It looked so amazing I could have cried. I honestly couldn't believe that it was something that I built!

Anyway, I have so much more to say after a summer of silence here, and maybe I will get to that, maybe not. =) Thanks to all who still read!


kari said...

I'm the same way with blogging. It comes and goes, but I haven't wanted to give it up completely.

I can't believe how big Cameron is. I remember when you announced your pregnancy and now look at him.

The bed turned out fantastic, you did such a great job!

Freckles Chick said...

I remember those old blogging days of yore! These days it's so much easier just to hop on Instagram or something....or just live in the moment & enjoy life. Imagine that! But I'm like you--I've hung on to the blog to document this kooky life ;-)

I am SO impressed by the bed you built for Cameron!! Love it. You've got skills for days!!! Can't believe how he's grown.

Nelly and her Nerd said...

Glad to see you back blogging! I began following your blog around the time I was pregnant (my little one started pre-k too!) and it's nice to see updates. I LOVE the bed you built! Great job!!


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