Sunday, November 30, 2008
...and waiting
So yeah, I'm still here, sans baby. And since it doesn't look like he wants to exit on his own, we'll be going in on Wednesday to start the eviction process. Looks like Cameron and I will also share the same birth month, too.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Still waiting.
On one hand, his tardiness has allowed me to finish my Christmas shopping that I swore I'd get done before he came. Everthing is ready. So I'll venture out of the house to kill time and walk a little, and store clerks ask me when I'm due. I tell them "yesterday" and they are a little surprised to see me bouncing through the store with ease. Then they disappear out of fear that my water might break and they'll be responsible for the clean-up of amniotic fluid on Isle 7.
Oh, and Sunday's are a blast. Our church is small, so I get asked by every. single. member. if we are ready to have a baby and if we're excited. Um, yes. And my mother in law has been kind enough to remind me every week that all her kids were 11 pounds and that all her kids were 2-3 weeks late. Thanks. Perhaps I'll just hibernate until he gets here. It's been too cold to go outside anyway.
In other news, daddy got a new truck! His old truck (which is still trooping along) has almost 300,000 miles on it, and we needed something with 4 doors. We'll keep both trucks for now, but for some reason Jon feels like he's "cheating" on his old truck. He loved his truck. I for one, am a fan of the new truck: it's got heated seats. It almost feels like you peed your pants, but no wetness. Its great, really.
Anywhoo, I'm hoping my next post will be to report a new bundle of joy! Stay tuned!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Project 52.5
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Here's where Cameron will sleep, play, and scream his little lungs out.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fall Cleaning Challenge: Day 2-3

I also cleaned the microwave, all of the appliances (except the oven- I'm scared of what lurks in there), the cabinet doors, and swept and mopped the floor.

The master bath wasn't so bad...

I'm all caught up, and it feels good to have some serious cleaning done!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Fall Cleaning Challenge: Day 1
How it works:
Katie, (aka Hyper Homemaker) has organized our to-do list and posts them on her amazing blog each day. Then I get to work, crossing off the things on the list as I accomplish them! I love crossing items off lists, by the way. =) I take a few pics, and show off what I've done, and Voila! A clean home just in time to hibernate for the winter.
So today's list was quite large; and I'll admit that my Saturdays are usually reserved for hanging out with my husband, which doesn't leave much time for chores! Today's list was to conquer the kitchen- and I had already planned to clean up after last night's party (the kitchen was NASTY), so that was my main goal. But since the challenge started today, I went ahead and cleaned out the fridge, top to bottom, and I must say that it is sparkling clean! Cleaning out the fridge was long overdue- I found pickle relish that expired in October of 2006! Gross, right?

Wiped Counters... check! Cleaned and shined sink... check! And I have a nice clean kitchen!
Though I didn't get to clean out the kitchen cabinets (Lord knows they are in desperate need of organization), I feel quite accomplished by just cleaning out the fridge. I'll get to the kitchen cabinets (promise!) and since I don't have a pantry, that's one less item for today's list.
Keep checking in! I'll try to post daily to track my progress. Inspired to do the cleaning challenge? It's not to late to get started... check out Katie's blog!
Halloween Fun...
Yeah, i decided to be a little festive and wear some Shrek ears. I even convinced a couple of people I wasn't really pregnant and that I was just wearing a belly costume. And what's a party without food? I made a couple of appetizers and this DELICIOUS caramel popcorn. It was seriously like crack- no one could stop eating it. Check out the recipe here.