Sunday, November 30, 2008

...and waiting

:::taps foot impatiently:::
So yeah, I'm still here, sans baby. And since it doesn't look like he wants to exit on his own, we'll be going in on Wednesday to start the eviction process. Looks like Cameron and I will also share the same birth month, too.


leah @maritalbless said...

That's special, but I wish had been avoided. :( You've got a whole slew of us praying for you, axiously awaiting his arrival!

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about you...hang in there girl. I know you're wanting him to come on his own. Who knows, maybe he'll surprise you and pop out tonight. :)

kari said...

I've been praying for you Leslie. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear the good news and hopefully he'll be popping out on his own soon.

ThoughtsON said...

I love that you called it the "eviction process" LoL
Sorry he isn't cooperating! You're in my thoughts, I hope it all goes smoothly for you!!!

mindy said...

Oh leslie, I was hoping you were having that baby...good luck, hope you can avoid an induction. I'll be thinking of you!

fioretta said...

I have to admit when I saw your comment on my blog I thought, Oh no, he must not be here yet! I'm thinking of you and hoping everything goes as smoothly as possible - sending all kinds of well-wishes, prayers, and good thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pics! Don't worry, he's just taking his time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my friend was induced in October after 1.5 weeks late and she said it was a breeze and it didn't even hurt that much- hope that helps!


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