Did you know that Christmas is pretty much next week? It is, my friends. I've been seeing these "100 days of cookies" or "100 days of holiday recipes" in magazines and online, and I have to admit, it's freaking me out a bit. Department stores are dusting off Christmas decorations as I write this post. And as soon as you have your last trick-or-treater, you'll see neighbors hanging up their Christmas lights and flanking their yards with inflatable deer and snowmen.
Anywho, if you are like me at all, I never know what to tell my family when they ask what I would like for Christmas. I never have anything in mind, and I always just tell them I'll get back with them and let them know later. Well this year, dearest friends and family, I'm armed with a list. Without further adieu, I present my Christmas list:

I'm happy to report that the #1 item on my list was purchased today by my wonderful husband! I have been telling him that if he waits until after Thanksgiving that there won't be any Uggs at ANY store, in ANY city. He was hesitant, but I softened the blow by telling him that he has his Christmas shopping done now!

I think this pretty, lightweight scarf from
Gap would transition nicely into spring!

My next camera lens! A 50mm auto-focus, perfect for portraits.

A non-stick pizza crisper. So we can quit putting pizza directly on the oven rack, causing cheese to fall to the bottom of the oven, burn, and set off the fire alarm.

And lastly, a subscription to BHG. You may or may not remember this subscription was on
my list for Mother's Day. I've gone from "casually" dropping hints at the grocery store newsstands, to flat out telling my husband that I'd like a subscription, to actually HANDING him a subscription card that's filled out with my name on it. Y'all, sometimes boys just don't get it. So for that reason, it's still on my list!
Anyone else have their list made? Shopping started?