My sister is now making pure homemade vanilla and selling it in her Etsy shop. If you bake, you definitely need some- that "pure" vanilla you buy in stores is full of corn syrup and water. If you don't bake, but know someone who does, it would make a fantastic gift. Christmas is just around the corner, you know! =)

Label design by yours truly!
Cameron's bed is coming along slowly but surely. After he climbed out of his crib last week, we knew we had to find a solution fast, so I put his bookshelf on hold and built his bed in 5 hours Friday night. The stain however, will not dry. The first coat has been drying for about 4 days now, and is still pretty tacky. We're staining it in the basement where it's cooler and dryer, as there is NO way it would ever dry outdoors in this humidity. I will say that, the bed is the cutest thing I've seen in my life and I can't wait to show you guys! In the meantime, we turned his crib around (since the back is higher) and it seems to be working for now.