I promise that it is not my intention to make this blog into a one-post-a-month-about-what-we're-doing blog. But it's happening, and such is my life right now. You know on the opening sequences of The Simpson's where Bart is always writing sentences on the chalkboard (
I will NOT draw naked ladies in class. I will NOT draw naked ladies in class...)? I totally feel like Bart right now, only I'm writing "
I will not abandon my blog. I will not abandon my blog...". I'm trying my best to get back to regular blogging- bear with me!
Kylie is 2 months old! I love that little girl to death, but I'll be honest: I'm ready for her to grow up a little faster. I have loved every second of the toddler stage with Cameron, and I can't wait until I can hold cute little conversations with her. I can't stop kissing those cheeks.

And on that note, I'm sad to report that I'm going bald again. Ok, so maybe I'm not going bald, but I'm losing a LOT of hair, just as I did post partum with Cameron. It's noticeable, and well, it sucks. I suppose that's what I get since I didn't have an ounce of morning sickness, eh?
I'm so anxious for consistent warm weather so I can get into the garage and start working on some projects. I've desperately been needing a work area and place to store all my tools, so my plan is to design and build a large work bench/table. I'm pretty sure I've got enough scrap wood to do this, so it should be a free project! After I do that, I plan on building a small side table for our upper deck so we have a place to set our coffee when we sit outside in the mornings.
I realize it's a little early, but I have already ordered Kylie's first birthday gift! Cameron got a Pottery Barn Anywhere chair for his first birthday, and so will Kylie. I was able to snag this lavender dot cover on clearance for 19.99- it doesn't get cheaper than that! Unfortunately it's on back order until next month, but I'm not sweatin' it since I don't need it until next January. I wasn't about to pass on that deal!

Until next time, friends!