Man, I tell you what. It's the little things in those last few weeks of pregnancy that really wipe you out. I'll unload the dishwasher and wipe off a few counters, and then reward myself with a nap for my hard work. I had a wonderful, wonderful shower today- I opened gifts, and stuffed my face with awesome food. I really had no idea how much energy I expended in those few hours, but I find myself on the couch not wanting to move 'till um, Monday (at the earliest).
So, the shower! It was more than I ever could have asked for! My 2 friends from college hosted it, and it was so awesome. There was no shortage of delicious food, and I was overwhelmed with great gifts for our little one!
Opening an abundance of cute clothes, blankets and necessities!
My sister got me my favorite childhood book 'But No Elephants.' It's no longer being printed, so I feel lucky to have a copy!
Me and the shower hosts! Pardon my hugeness.

One of my old college roomates made the cake. Not only was it the cutest cake I'd ever seen, but it was probably one of the best cakes I've ever had, no lie. She is so talented!
Isn't it adorable?

Playing a shower game- candy bars melted inside diapers. We had to decipher what kind they were by how they looked and smelled. It was tough! Some of them were NASTY looking. I'm praying for a baby that never poops. Ever.
Now I've got to get to work organizing the nursery (pics coming soon!). I don't think I have the energy for all of that now, but I think I have just enough to get off the couch and get me a slice of that delicious cake.