Saturday, November 8, 2008

Project 52.5

I'm usually not a fan of any type of insect, but I spotted this bright green hopper on a trail we were hiking on this afternoon, and he didn't seem to mind that I took about 20 pictures of him. He's pretty cute (for a grasshopper), right? 


leslie said...

I am really afraid of grasshoppers, and I think you are very brave to have taken so many pictures!

leah @maritalbless said...

You're right, very cute for a grasshopper.

Dylan's Mommy said...

hmm...I admire you for getting that close to a bug. :)

Erin said...

I don't think I've ever seen a grasshopper that color!!

ThoughtsON said...

You've been tagged! Enjoy making your list - If you get a chance while preparing for birth and all :)


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