Saturday, February 28, 2009

Little milestones...

The other night Cameron woke up for one of his regular feedings. I went into his nursery and found him on the opposite end of the crib than I originally put him. I stood there for a sec, pondering how the heck he got there. There was absolutely NO way he could have rotated himself from one end to the other; after all, we've got him in a tight swaddle at night, and to turn 180 degrees with just his legs (even those were inside the swaddle) was impossible, or so I thought. 
After I fed him, I returned to bed and accused Jon of sleepwalking into Cameron's room, picking him up, and placing his head toward the opposite end of the crib. =) I kept thinking about it all the next day, and that following night he moved again. And again. And yet again. Yes, this little boy successfully moves himself around his crib now with just his powerful little legs and scootin' booty. Seems we might be baby-proofing the house sooner than expected!

A few things he likes:
When daddy makes up rap songs and lyrics.
Pooping in a freshly changed diaper. 
Being outside and taking long walks in the park.
Watching mom and dad battle each other at Tetris.
Touching our faces in the morning when we're trying to get a few more minutes of sleep.
When I tell him he has a stinky bottom.
When I tell him I love him.

Um, excuse me... can you please get that huge lens out of my face?

Much better.


fioretta said...

Awww! That second photo makes my heart melt, look at that smile. :)

Beth Ann said...

I love your updates on sweet Cameron!

mindy said...

He is so stinkin' cute!!!

Okay, I totally wrote your post!!! crazy. Even to the part of accusing J of sleep walking, not kidding.....
I did exactly what you stated, stood there and stared! I seriously was in awe, like how in the heck did that happen, my friends didn't even believe me. They were like, J definitely is sleep walking...nope, all to my surprise, she's a wiggler =)

ThoughtsON said...

He is so adorable! Got a smile to die for!

Meredith said...

I would LOVE to see the wiggling in action--I'm sure it's as adorable as the little guy himself.

Beth said...

He is so adorable, I love those eyelashes!


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