But why do we really celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Undoubtedly, most won't question any holiday associated with drinking brew, but I was curious. I wanted to know who St. Patrick was, and why he gets a holiday associated with eating and drinking. I turned to my trusty 'ol pal, Google, and here's what I found:
Most of the stories and legends about who St. Patrick was, are completely false. The Irish way of life is based on oral legend and myth- so there are many wrong assumptions that promote the uncertainty of the life he lived. A story that is widely accepted, though is that Saint Patrick, (the patron Saint of Ireland) landed on Ireland when he was captured by Irish raiders who attacked his family home when he was only 16. Supposedly, he spent 6 years there, and became a devout Christian after turning to religion from being scared and alone. After his escape, Patrick had a vision to to return to Ireland and become a missionary. Some believe that Patrick introduced Christianity to Ireland.

While there is no certainty of St. Patrick's life, St Patrick's Day is believed to be the date of his death (460 A.D) and remains a National religious feast holiday for Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church. Worldwide, it is celebrated with parades, wearing green, feasting, and promoted with icons like the clover and the leprechaun.
Now, you know. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!