In the morning when I take Cameron out of his jammies I'll usually let him roll around naked (with a diaper, of course!) for a little bit while I do laundry or sip a cup of coffee. He seems to enjoy his "freedom" and just squeels in delight! And of course, it provides me with a photo op for the album of cute-but-somewhat-embarassing pictures that I'll whip out when he brings his first girlfriend home someday.

It's so hard to believe that Cameron is almost 4 months old. 4 months! This last month he has mastered rolling from his back to his belly, and is really trying to get coordinated enough to start crawling. I am anxious for that, but will definitely have to be on my toes more than ever! When he goes to his 4 month appointment next week, I think we'll talk to his doc about starting some solid foods; any time we are eating he follows our food from the plate to our mouth, always so curious to be doing what we're doing!