1st class review:
5 minutes into class, I had decided that this was going to be money well spent. One of the first thing our instructor said at the beginning of class was that "auto focus is for weenies." Sweet! I knew that I'd probably be taking a lot from this class; the instructor has been shooting weddings and landscapes for 20 years.
I'd describe myself as someone with decent knowledge about photography; I know a lot of terminology from classes in college and reading my camera manual, but as I said before, I want to know the ins and outs of my camera and really learn how to use it. I sat next to a girl who had never taken her camera off the auto setting and had no clue what apertures and shutter speeds were. There is also a photojournalist in class, but felt she could really benefit from taking a class. I think I was in the middle of the road as far as skill level.
I know that a lot of you guys use DSLR cameras so I hope that maybe I can share a few tips along the way. I'm also going to *try* my absolute hardest not to post pictures that have been edited in photoshop. =)
The first night we just went over our cameras and their functions; we talked about all the terms and briefly went over shooting manually. Here's a few pictures I took in manual mode, un-doctered by photoshop:
hey Les,
What school offers these classes?
I am also thinking of getting some info...
I can't wait to see and hear all about it! I want to take a class so bad b/c photoshop is my friend too much sometimes!
CUTE pictures!
We are modifying our logo and my committee is more in charge of creating templates for all of our presentation boards, reports, brochures, etc. I am hoping that we can make sure everything is connected or linked to each other across the website, print media, etc. I've got several ideas, but it is hard to know what direction to go in.. it is very intimidating to start off with basically nothing and no real experience other than designing my own boards in school.
I love pics of your big little man! Can't wait to see and hear more!
he is so adorable!
Awesome, I never took a formal class but have done alot of reading and studying. I shoot on manuel alot of the time but rely on toogling my autofocus points quite heavily. What settings did you take these pics on?
Yeah, I would be that girl who never takes the camera off of the auto setting. How sad. I wanted a DSLR to take better pictures and now I am just frustrated that I don't have the time to take a class! Grrrrr.
how do i find a class by me? how did you learn of this class? i do not have a DSLR yet, but i am dying for one and am clueless about photography. cameron is to die for, what a cutie.
Maria- I found the class through my city's summer arts program. They also offer classes like pottery, glass blowing, basket weaving, etc. Also check the universities and community colleges near you!
that's awesome...I would love to take a photography class!
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