- Buying primer for the basement. I mentioned to my husband about my desire to repaint down there. He said "The whole thing?" "Yep!" I replied, "the whole thing!!!" I haven't got the color chosen just yet, but we have a lot of priming ahead of us so I figure we'd better start.
- Going back to the fabric store for some clearance fabric I saw last week that would be perfect for some throw pillows in the basement.
- Finishing artwork for Cam's new room.
- Buying paint for Cam's new room. I'm also 95% sure I'm going to dye the curtains I made too. My mind is always changing. =)
- We're also going to start the 30 day shred this weekend! My goal isn't to lose weight at all- just an overall toning and tightening. We're going to take before and after pictures- so it will be interesting to see some results (hopefully!)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Weekend to-do list.
Happy Friday! Did this week seem to fly by for anyone else? I really have a lot on my mind as far as things I need to do around the house. So I'm writing out my list here for myself and anyone else who cares to know what I'll be up to this weekend. =)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Before Christmas, I bought some awesome flannel snowman & Christmas tree sheets at Target for just $15 bucks. I wasn't thinking they would be that great or soft- especially for the price I paid- and for a King set! I was wrong. And you know what? Those sheets are still on our bed, 8 weeks post Christmas. I can't bear to take them off- they're so warm and soft. I thought that if I had them taken off by mid-spring, I'd be cool, but I think it's finally time. I think I'll be more excited to put them back on for the holidays this year if they aren't on our bed until Memorial day.
I think I'm going to repaint our entire basement. Awhile back, I asked (in this post) for you guys' suggestions for accent colors, accessories and other ways to make the living room feel complete. I got some wonderful ideas, but finding items and artwork that compliment such a dramatic color has proved to be difficult. Plus, all our furniture is dark, and I really feel it's time for a lighter, more neutral color. I'm thinking something like this: the perfect greige.
Almost every day this past week, I have checked our trees for signs of swelling green buds on their branches. I hate bare trees and shrubs- I am so anxious to see some life on them again!
My sister is going to make me a dress for my friends bachelorette party. We're aiming for a style like this, from Express:
Looks like a fun party and summer dress, huh? I stopped in last week to try it on in the store to make sure I liked it and looked good on me. I LOVED it, but didn't love the $69.50 price tag. I am so excited to have it made and wear it!
Friends, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
I think I'm going to repaint our entire basement. Awhile back, I asked (in this post) for you guys' suggestions for accent colors, accessories and other ways to make the living room feel complete. I got some wonderful ideas, but finding items and artwork that compliment such a dramatic color has proved to be difficult. Plus, all our furniture is dark, and I really feel it's time for a lighter, more neutral color. I'm thinking something like this: the perfect greige.
Almost every day this past week, I have checked our trees for signs of swelling green buds on their branches. I hate bare trees and shrubs- I am so anxious to see some life on them again!
My sister is going to make me a dress for my friends bachelorette party. We're aiming for a style like this, from Express:

Friends, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A Cameron overload and a few thoughts on toddlerhood.
It's been a long time since I've posted anything about Cameron- and since I don't do the monthly updates anymore, I figure it's time to post some pictures! I also wanted to jot down a few of my thoughts about his little life after his first birthday. I know there are several of my blog friends who are new moms, and moms to be, so maybe you'll benefit from my note-taking. =)

A little about Cameron at 14 months:
It was so much easier to feed Cameron a few months ago. Purees were such a breeze. I took pride in the fact that he would eat anything and everything, including veggies- which now he will only eat if the veggie is disguised in cheese. Yes, his favorite foods these days are grilled cheese, mac n' cheese, cheese pizza, shredded cheese, broccoli and cheese... you get the trend. Definitely not lacking Calcium!
He loves to read!

Cameron sleeps from 8pm- 7:30/8am, with about a 2.5-3 hour nap in the afternoons.

I don't know if I have mentioned it, but Cameron is quite a ladies man. At Panera the other day, he was flirting and laughing with some pretty girls at the table next to us the whole entire time we were there. I'm pretty sure they didn't even get a conversation in between themselves, because Cameron made sure he was he center of their attention. He also flirts with every waitress we have- including one the other day, whose skirt was a little too short- so he made sure to let her know that by glancing up it every time she returned to our table.

9 times out of 10, if Cameron is missing in action, he can be found playing in the toilet.
Cameron loves to walk around with a pen and pad of paper in hand, scribbling and drawing "pictures" (ha!). I hope he loves to color when he gets a bit older, because I still enjoy it and would love to color in books with him!
When Cameron was born, he looked a lot like me. His dark brown eyes and brown skin tone definitely proved he was my son! But as he gets older, one of the first things people say is how much he looks like his dad. Fine by me, I think his dad is the most handsome man I know!
Developmentally, he seems to be right on track. He "talks" up a storm, can answer a question with a "ya" or "no", can make a lot of animal sounds (thanks to our fridge farm!), can throw and kick a ball, and can climb pretty much anything- including our bar-height dining chairs! He's wearing mostly 18month-2T shirts, and 18 month pants.

A little about my thoughts on the toddler stage:
Each month I always say "this is the funnest age!" But really, this is such a fun age. I love that he understands most of what we say. He is full of energy and life, and is a constant source of entertainment. I feel like he is fairly obedient right now- we have been firm at establishing some boundaries, but I also feel like he's able to be a toddler too. I wish I could say that it would always be this easy!
There was a discussion on The Nest forums the other day about the changes you go through when you have a new baby; how hard things can be and how emotionally and physically exhausting it all is to adjust to your new life. My comment was a nod in agreement, but I also mentioned that it never really gets any easier per se- it just gets different. You get into a routine, so in that respect, things flow smoother, and you seem to get your life back when you can catch an amazing 6-7 hours of solid sleeping. Things got easier for awhile- but here recently I feel like I spend a majority of the day sweeping up food chunks and crushed crackers off the floor, picking up toys (again and again) wiping his nose (and wiping my jeans off because he wiped his nose on my them), putting tupperware back into the drawer, chasing after him... it's downright exhausting. And he's a great kid- we're not even into the terrible two's yet.
Despite that it's a tough job being aparent to a toddler parent in general, I cannot even put into words the joy and blessing he brings to us on a daily basis. Our lives have been enriched tenfold. It's difficult to hear about the things you will sacrifice when you do become a parent. 'Cause lets be honest- giving up your blissful sleep and all your free time for the next, oh, 18 years hardly sounds appealing- that is until you see firsthand all the joys that far outweigh it. There's nothing I wouldn't sacrifice to be my son's mom. Nothing.

I just love him, and think he is the cutest kid (obviously, like most parents think of their own children)!
A little about Cameron at 14 months:
It was so much easier to feed Cameron a few months ago. Purees were such a breeze. I took pride in the fact that he would eat anything and everything, including veggies- which now he will only eat if the veggie is disguised in cheese. Yes, his favorite foods these days are grilled cheese, mac n' cheese, cheese pizza, shredded cheese, broccoli and cheese... you get the trend. Definitely not lacking Calcium!
Cameron sleeps from 8pm- 7:30/8am, with about a 2.5-3 hour nap in the afternoons.
I don't know if I have mentioned it, but Cameron is quite a ladies man. At Panera the other day, he was flirting and laughing with some pretty girls at the table next to us the whole entire time we were there. I'm pretty sure they didn't even get a conversation in between themselves, because Cameron made sure he was he center of their attention. He also flirts with every waitress we have- including one the other day, whose skirt was a little too short- so he made sure to let her know that by glancing up it every time she returned to our table.
9 times out of 10, if Cameron is missing in action, he can be found playing in the toilet.
Cameron loves to walk around with a pen and pad of paper in hand, scribbling and drawing "pictures" (ha!). I hope he loves to color when he gets a bit older, because I still enjoy it and would love to color in books with him!
When Cameron was born, he looked a lot like me. His dark brown eyes and brown skin tone definitely proved he was my son! But as he gets older, one of the first things people say is how much he looks like his dad. Fine by me, I think his dad is the most handsome man I know!
Developmentally, he seems to be right on track. He "talks" up a storm, can answer a question with a "ya" or "no", can make a lot of animal sounds (thanks to our fridge farm!), can throw and kick a ball, and can climb pretty much anything- including our bar-height dining chairs! He's wearing mostly 18month-2T shirts, and 18 month pants.
A little about my thoughts on the toddler stage:
Each month I always say "this is the funnest age!" But really, this is such a fun age. I love that he understands most of what we say. He is full of energy and life, and is a constant source of entertainment. I feel like he is fairly obedient right now- we have been firm at establishing some boundaries, but I also feel like he's able to be a toddler too. I wish I could say that it would always be this easy!
There was a discussion on The Nest forums the other day about the changes you go through when you have a new baby; how hard things can be and how emotionally and physically exhausting it all is to adjust to your new life. My comment was a nod in agreement, but I also mentioned that it never really gets any easier per se- it just gets different. You get into a routine, so in that respect, things flow smoother, and you seem to get your life back when you can catch an amazing 6-7 hours of solid sleeping. Things got easier for awhile- but here recently I feel like I spend a majority of the day sweeping up food chunks and crushed crackers off the floor, picking up toys (again and again) wiping his nose (and wiping my jeans off because he wiped his nose on my them), putting tupperware back into the drawer, chasing after him... it's downright exhausting. And he's a great kid- we're not even into the terrible two's yet.
Despite that it's a tough job being a
Friday, February 12, 2010
A few Invitations
I've mentioned a few times that my friend and old college roommate is tying the knot in just a few short months (yay!!). I created her bridal shower invite, and finished up her wedding invitation some time before Christmas. Though it's been done for awhile, but we just got it back from the printer a few weeks ago- and I've been dying to show it to you guys. This was my first wedding invitation I've ever designed- and I'm really pleased with the outcome. More importantly, she is too! =)

Carly didn't really have anything particular in mind for her invitations- so I could really take this in a lot of directions. She's having a spring outdoor wedding, and her bouquet is going to have yellow calla lilies in it, so I thought it would be a great idea to showcase the botanical aspect of her wedding by bringing the calla lily silhouette into the invitation. The paper has a beautiful shimmer to it- these pictures unfortunately don't do these invitations quite the justice they deserve!
After seeing a few of the invites I've designed and showed you guys, one of my wonderful blog readers, Jen, asked if I could design an invite for a shower she's hosting at the end of the month. She's doing a 1940's vintage housewife theme, and asked if I could incorporate that into an invitation.

This particular assignment required me to do some (fun) homework: researching vintage ads. Surprisingly, as an art major in college I never really did this, but I have a brand new love for vintage advertising. At the risk of sounding cheesy- looking at old ads captivated me so much and I could literally study them for hours. I'm currently on the hunt for a coffee table book on vintage advertising!
Anyway, just wanted to share my passion and hobby with you all. I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's weekend (whether you celebrate or not)! We don't do a whole lot, but I am trying out a new recipe for pasta bolognese sauce. It takes 3 hours to make, so I hope I enjoy the fruits of my labor! Do you have any plans? Are you going out or staying in?
Carly didn't really have anything particular in mind for her invitations- so I could really take this in a lot of directions. She's having a spring outdoor wedding, and her bouquet is going to have yellow calla lilies in it, so I thought it would be a great idea to showcase the botanical aspect of her wedding by bringing the calla lily silhouette into the invitation. The paper has a beautiful shimmer to it- these pictures unfortunately don't do these invitations quite the justice they deserve!
After seeing a few of the invites I've designed and showed you guys, one of my wonderful blog readers, Jen, asked if I could design an invite for a shower she's hosting at the end of the month. She's doing a 1940's vintage housewife theme, and asked if I could incorporate that into an invitation.
This particular assignment required me to do some (fun) homework: researching vintage ads. Surprisingly, as an art major in college I never really did this, but I have a brand new love for vintage advertising. At the risk of sounding cheesy- looking at old ads captivated me so much and I could literally study them for hours. I'm currently on the hunt for a coffee table book on vintage advertising!
Anyway, just wanted to share my passion and hobby with you all. I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's weekend (whether you celebrate or not)! We don't do a whole lot, but I am trying out a new recipe for pasta bolognese sauce. It takes 3 hours to make, so I hope I enjoy the fruits of my labor! Do you have any plans? Are you going out or staying in?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Superbowl, party of 2 1/2.
Last night's festivities got pushed aside due to my 2 sick boys who have been both been whining, hacking and coughing all weekend. We actually had a couple of invitations to some low key get-togethers, and I was really looking forward to enjoying some great food and drinks while watching the game with friends. Since that didn't happen, we all just hung out by ourselves, and in lieu of wings, chili, and dip I made my homemade chicken noodle soup!
I want to share this recipe- because I have yet to find a better chicken noodle soup recipe, and it's wicked easy. And since that little Groundhog saw his shadow the other day, it looks like we're in for 6 more weeks of winter- meaning you'll need some new cold weather recipes!
What's perfect about this recipe is that you can customize it how you like. If you are in a hurry, you can used canned chicken (which is excellent in soups), or you can take a little more time and make your own broth and cook the chicken. The secret, is the Reames Frozen Egg Noodles. My dad always made chicken noodle soup with them, and I still use them because they are so good. You can find them at pretty much any grocer (including Sam's Club, in bulk) in the freezer section.

Chicken Noodle Soup:
5 (10 oz.) cans of Chicken Broth (I use Campbell's)
1-2 broth cans full of water
12 or 16 oz. bag of frozen Reames Homestyle Egg Noodles
12 oz can of Tyson canned chicken or 2 cooked chicken breasts, shredded
1 large carrot, chopped
1 tbs (give or take) dried parsley flakes
salt and pepper to taste
optional additions: celery, onion, or whatever you like in your chicken noodle soup.
Bring the broth and water to a boil. Add the frozen noodles, and bring back to a boil. Add the rest of the ingredients, reduce to a simmer, and continue to simmer according to the noodle package directions, about 25 minutes (more or less depending on how you like your noodles, more firm or soft.)
I like to serve the soup with warm garlic breadsticks to dip into!
The measurements are rough estimates- you can add more chicken, more veggies, or use reduced sodium broth, all according to your diet and how YOU like it! Enjoy!
I want to share this recipe- because I have yet to find a better chicken noodle soup recipe, and it's wicked easy. And since that little Groundhog saw his shadow the other day, it looks like we're in for 6 more weeks of winter- meaning you'll need some new cold weather recipes!
What's perfect about this recipe is that you can customize it how you like. If you are in a hurry, you can used canned chicken (which is excellent in soups), or you can take a little more time and make your own broth and cook the chicken. The secret, is the Reames Frozen Egg Noodles. My dad always made chicken noodle soup with them, and I still use them because they are so good. You can find them at pretty much any grocer (including Sam's Club, in bulk) in the freezer section.
Chicken Noodle Soup:
5 (10 oz.) cans of Chicken Broth (I use Campbell's)
1-2 broth cans full of water
12 or 16 oz. bag of frozen Reames Homestyle Egg Noodles
12 oz can of Tyson canned chicken or 2 cooked chicken breasts, shredded
1 large carrot, chopped
1 tbs (give or take) dried parsley flakes
salt and pepper to taste
optional additions: celery, onion, or whatever you like in your chicken noodle soup.
Bring the broth and water to a boil. Add the frozen noodles, and bring back to a boil. Add the rest of the ingredients, reduce to a simmer, and continue to simmer according to the noodle package directions, about 25 minutes (more or less depending on how you like your noodles, more firm or soft.)
I like to serve the soup with warm garlic breadsticks to dip into!
The measurements are rough estimates- you can add more chicken, more veggies, or use reduced sodium broth, all according to your diet and how YOU like it! Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A "new" camera!
"New" to me, anyway. =)
This old Ihagee Patent Duplex plate camera belonged to my grandpa. He's having to downsize his belongings because he moved into a nursing home- so I became the lucky new owner of this time piece. I haven't been able to exactly pinpoint the year that this camera was made, but based upon the research I have done, it seems as if it was manufactured in Germany sometime in the late 1920's or early 1930's.
A little about it:
Ihagee (founded in 1912) was a company that manufactured cameras out of Dresden, Germany until 1945 when the factory was bombed and destroyed in World War 2.
After the war, only a few new cameras were produced by Ihagee, and in the end, the German company couldn't keep up with the technological advances in Japan (who went on to produce cameras like Minolta and Nikon) and the Western World. Foreign ownership also led to Ihagee's demise.
I love this vintage camera ad (circa 1938). See the bottom right? That one is mine. =) Researching the origin and history of this camera has been so interesting. I'd really like to learn how it was used, even though it will just be a display piece. It's definitely a prized possession to me and I feel so lucky to have it!
Ihagee (founded in 1912) was a company that manufactured cameras out of Dresden, Germany until 1945 when the factory was bombed and destroyed in World War 2.
After the war, only a few new cameras were produced by Ihagee, and in the end, the German company couldn't keep up with the technological advances in Japan (who went on to produce cameras like Minolta and Nikon) and the Western World. Foreign ownership also led to Ihagee's demise.
I love this vintage camera ad (circa 1938). See the bottom right? That one is mine. =) Researching the origin and history of this camera has been so interesting. I'd really like to learn how it was used, even though it will just be a display piece. It's definitely a prized possession to me and I feel so lucky to have it!
Come on in! (excuse the mess)
We finally moved!
I wanted to give a quick update and tour of the new place while I have a few minutes. We've been buried in boxes since Tuesday when we moved in, and everything is out of order and messy. I made no attempts to pick up for these snapshots- this is how it is right now!
We are loving our new home and it's a complete blank slate as far as decorating goes. I'm excited to get to work!
Master bedroom, Jon's closet
Backyard- I love the view and it has a large, covered deck. I can't wait to sit out there in the evenings!
Basement- we're going to get started finishing it right away- it will have 2 additional rooms, a bathroom and a living room.
Come on in! (excuse the mess)
We finally moved!
I wanted to give a quick update and tour of the new place while I have a few minutes. We've been buried in boxes since Tuesday when we moved in, and everything is out of order and messy. I made no attempts to pick up for these snapshots- this is how it is right now!
We are loving our new home and it's a complete blank slate as far as decorating goes. I'm excited to get to work!
Master bedroom, Jon's closet
Backyard- I love the view and it has a large, covered deck. I can't wait to sit out there in the evenings!
Basement- we're going to get started finishing it right away- it will have 2 additional rooms, a bathroom and a living room.
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